How finish with weeds? Weeds, brush cutter and herbicides; these are the methods for removing weeds from the garden or garden and are made in several ways: by hand, with spade or serious one, with mechanical shredder hoe or herbicides.
1. A hand with spade or hoe
• Better a estrechita hoe (hoe) instead of those big hoes so tiring. As the narrow blade, you can work from garden plants and lines of the garden. You must have a long handle to prevent tilting back too much.
• In flower beds, orchard and small areas, you can not use herbicides because the surrounding plants will be damaged (unless they are selective and kill only grasses herbs), nor wire enters the shredder.
• Water the day before weeding so that the soil is moist and thus remove weeds easily.
• Remove weeds with as many roots as possible. The Corregüela, for example, we must insist much deep ripping.
• The champagnes that are made throughout the year (between 3 and 6 caves) are designed to aerate the soil and break the surface crust (hard ground), but obviously, weeds there are also deleted.
2. Desbrozadora
• This machine has a nylon thread and has two main uses gardening:
• Cut weeds at ground level.
• Sharpen the edges of the lawn.
• As with the hoe, not kill perennial grasses, and cutting the grass storey continuing alive underground.
• A trimmer accessory which is a much more potent than the nylon, and cutting thicket and large weeds metal disc.
• The shredder must be very careful not to hit the trunks of trees or shrubs at the base. They would end up killing wounds exemplary anillándolo.
• The trimmer offers great performance and all professional gardeners use it to clean a field of grass, but, again, perennials, after being cut, sprout.
3. Herbicides
• Whenever possible, avoid herbicides. Are chemicals that pollute and there is a risk to other plants, wildlife and people.
• called systemic herbicides, are effective Perennial weeds, very hard to kill. These are applied to the leaves, they are absorbed and poison the sap moves to the roots so that the whole plant dies. Examples: Glyphosate, Sulphonate.
annual herbs
• The Annual grow from seeds. Germinate, live a few months, loose seeds and die. They come in winter and summer. Examples: Poppy (Papaver spp.), Wild oats (Avena spp.), Horsetail, Dandelion, etc .. 80% of weeds are annuals.
• Eliminates annual preferably hoe or trimmer, avoiding herbicides.
perennial herbs
• The perennial weeds or perennial herbs are much more problematic than annuals. If you boot with his hands, with the hoe or the brush cutter will be many pieces of underground roots, stolons, rhizomes or bulbils and re-sprout. Examples: Grass (Cynodon dactylon), Cañota (Sorghum halepense), castanets (Cyperus rotundus), bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), etc ..
• However, even rekindled, if every time you go out the hoe by eliminating, by hand or brush cutter, they will decline each year and will progressively less. In orchards, the dug regulate discouraged.
• Due to the hardness of perennial weeds, herbicides are more useful to them than annual.
• One of the most used is glyphosate. This is the name of the active ingredient, the brands it sells are several, for example Roundup, Tomcato, etc .. Another example of total and systemic herbicide is sulfosate, trade name in Spain, Touchdown.
• These products eliminate all kinds of weeds, both annual and perennial. It applies to the leaves and into the plant roots reaching. This is its main virtue to end perennials.
• It is therefore with these systemic herbicides which can kill perennial weeds, although they are not 100% effective.
Advice on the use of Glyphosate and Sulphonate
• TOTAL herbicides are not selective, i.e., they do not distinguish between weeds and ornamentals. Therefore, on falling, the damage, whether a weed or any other garden plant. Locate the product well on weeds.
• One way to find is to cut the top of a plastic milk bottle and put it on the tip of the spear of the pack like a funnel. So you can try, for example at the base of the bushes, without the herbicide fall on them. And there is a special accessory backpacks to locate bell-shaped. It can take on a home spray and spray only herbs.
• Apply windless day.
• Do not use herbicide if rain the next day or the other are expected; drag largely the product of the leaves and be wasted.
• Uses the recommended dosage on the package. Glyphosate is the problem is systemic and act to come down to the roots, and if you apply too makes an effect of burning leaves and does not come down to the roots.
• Clean the container properly after treatment. It is recommended to only allocate a spray herbicides.
• It should be stressed with several applications to end some very strong and tough grasses. You do not kill a single application. For example, the grass (Cynodon dactylon), morning glory, the castanets or Sedge ...